DragonflyIssuesInEvolution13 Wiki

A Look At Theistic Evolution

Theistic evo

Theistic evolution is the view that evolution occurs as prearranged by God. It is also sometimes referred to as "evolutionary creationism" implying that the creator, God, used evolution to arrange the universe according to his plan (Unknown, 2006).  

Creation/Evolution Controversy[]

Most people are only aware of two sides of the creation/evolution controversy. Creationists believe in the literal interpretation of Genesis creation account. Evolutionists believe is a purely naturalistic and random process of creation. Theistic evolution supports a middle ground between the two that supports both theological and scientific perspectives and that these need not contradict each other (Unknown, 2006; Theistic Evolution, 2013).


Theistic Evolution. (2013). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_evolution

Unknown. (2006). Explanation of the Creation/Evolution Controversy. Perspectives on Theistic Evolution. Retrieved from http://www.theisticevolution.org/index.html
